Foot Rail Overview

Standard Foot Rail Angles

Most home and commercial  bars will correspond to one of the shapes shown below.  There may be more than one shape that represents your bar when looking at it from various angles.  What is most important is that the number of sides match, as well as the angles between the sides.  Don't worry if the proportions look incorrect -- it doesn't matter.

Simply choose the configuration that most closely matches the shape of your bar, fill in the Free Consultation form and we'll have your quotation ready in minutes.

There are certainly many other configurations.  However, the ones below are by far the most common.  If your bar doesn't match one of the shapes you see,  just give us a call and we'll be happy to help.1- 800 429-4505 or 905 795 0808

Assumes angles are either 90 degrees or 135 degrees (45*) , respectively. 


Foot Rail Configuration Overview